Supplementary Files - Janitza, Strobl and Boulesteix (2013)
An AUC-based Permutation Variable Importance Measure for Random Forests
Silke Janitza, Carolin Strobl, Anne-Laure Boulesteix
Contact: Silke Janitza
Supplementary files download:
- Additional File 1 shows the results of the performance comparison between the AUC-based permutation VIM and the error-rate-based permutation VIM computed using only observations from the minority class.
- Additional File 2 shows the distribution of AUC-values (analog to Figure 4) for sample sizes n = 500 and n = 1000.
Reproducible files download:
- The ZIP-file (4.4 MB) contains all R scripts to perform the comparison studies as well as further necessary functions and scripts to reproduce the results presented in the paper for BMC Bioinformatics.
- The ZIP-file (27.5 MB) contains all R scripts to perform the comparison studies as well as further necessary functions and scripts to reproduce the results presented in the Technical Report 130.
- AddFile1 (88 KByte)
- AddFile2 (57 KByte)
- reproducible_files (5 MByte)
- reproducible_files (29 MByte)
- AUC_VIM (5 MByte)