Videos & Podcasts
Traditional Statistics vs Machine Learning↗
What is the difference between machine learning (ML) and traditional statistics? How did they historically develop? And is artificial intelligence (AI) something else? When can I use which? And how should I go about learning these methods, for example if I want to become a data scientist? These are some of the questions that Ben Geisler poses to Professors Ulrich Mansmann and Ludwig Christian Hinske of LMU’s IBE.
Karl Lauterbach Germany's New Minister of Health – Interview↗
In a new video, Ben Geisler and Professor Dr. rer. nat. Ulrich Mansmann interview Professor Dr. s.c. Karl W. Lauterbach, MdB, the new Federal Minister of Health of Germany.
IL-6 Inhibitors and Baricitinib for severe COVID-19↗
IBE researcher Benjamin Geisler interviews Professor Frederick Southwick of the University of Florida. They discuss two new groups of therapies for severe COVID-19: IL-6 inhibitors (such as tocilizumab) and baricitinib.
A New Concept for Pseudonymization!? MIE 2021↗
Most medical studies rely on data gathered by patients. One of our jobs here at IBE is to provide researchers with safe and secure pseudonymization of patient data. In this video, we show a new concept, that makes pseudonymization simpler, faster, and requires less administrative effort for all parties involved.
COVID-19 Drugs for Inpatients (LMU)↗
Ben Geisler, of IBE and Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School, reviews the current treatments for hospitalized COVID-19 patients. He first discusses unspecific treatments: the management of fluid replacement and diuretics, as well as the indications for bronchodilators, antibiotics, and statins.
Kontrolle der Pandemie - Gerd Antes zu Gast an der LMU (IBE)↗
Numbers and data play a big role in the Covid 19 pandemic. Are the right numbers being chosen to assess pandemic progress? Is there enough data to decide on pandemic measures? How can evidence gaps be filled?
Corona Warn App, How does it work?↗
Prof. Klaus Adelhard explains how the Corona Warn App works and how secure our information is when using it.
Die Macht der Zahlen: Warum benötigen Mediziner Statistik?↗
Wieso ist Statistik in der Medizin wichtig?
Welche Bedeutung hat Statistical Literacy in der Patienten-Beratung?
Wie viele Statistik-Kenntnisse braucht man im späteren Berufsleben als Ärztin oder Arzt?