Weitere Informationen
- Markus Schmidberger; 'Parallel Computing for Biological Data'; 2009, Dissertation, LMU München: Fakultät für Mathematik, Informatik und Statistik; Download
- Markus Schmidberger, Ulrich Mansmann; Parallel Computing with the R Language in a Supercomputing Environment; High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering, Garching 2009, Springer - accepted
- Manuel J. A. Eugster, Jochen Knaus, Christine Porzelius, Markus Schmidberger, Esmeralda Vicedo; Hands-on Tutorial for Parallel Computing with R; Computational Statistics - submitted, 2009
- Markus Schmidberger, Esmeralda Vicedo, Ulrich Mansmann;Simulation Study for the Agreement between Statistical Methods in Quality Assessment and Control of Microarray Data; Computational Statistics - submitted, 2009
- Ulrich Mansmann, Markus Schmidberger, Ralf Strobl, Vindi Jurinovic; Indirect Comparison of Interaction Graphs; Statistical Modelling and Regression Structures -- Festschrift in Honour of Ludwig Fahrmeir, Springer 2009 - accepted.
- M. Schmidberger, E. Vicedo, U. Mansmann; affyPara - a Bioconductor Package for Parallelized Preprocessing Algorithms of Affymetrix Microarray Data; Bioinformatics and Biology Insights 2009:3 83-87; highly visible; Download
- M. Schmidberger, M. Morgan, D. Eddelbuettel, H. Yu, L. Tierney, U. Mansmann; State of the Art in Parallel Computing with R; Journal of Statistical Software 2009: Vol. 31, Issue 1, Page 1-27; Download .
- M. Schmidberger; Bookreview: Introduction to Machine Learning and Bioinformatics; Journal of Statistical Software, Book Reviews; Vol. 28, Nov 2008; Download
- M. Schmidberger, U. Mansmann; Parallelized preprocessing algorithms for high-density oligonucleotide array data; 22th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2008), Proceedings, ISBN: 978-1-4244-1693-6, 14-18 April 2008, Miami, FL, USA; IEEE 2008 .
- M. Schmidberger, U. Mansmann; Parallelized preprocessing algorithms for high-density oligonucleotide array data; Lifestat2008, Statistics and Life Sciences: Perspectives and Challenges, Abstract Volume, 10-13 March 2008, Munich, Germany. ISBN 978-3-86541-266-9
- U. Mansmann, M. Schmidberger;IT-Projekte zur Studienunterstützungim Kompetenznetz, Kompetenznetz Akute und chronische Leukämien, Leukämie Rundbrief 11, Juni 2007; Download