- von Philipsborn P, Stratil JM, Burns J, Busert LK, Pfadenhauer LM, Polus S, Holzapfel C, Hauner H, Rehfuess E. Environmental interventions to reduce the consumption of sugar‐sweetened beverages and their effects on health. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2019, Issue 6. Art. No.: CD012292. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD012292.pub2. (Online)
- Burns J, Polus S, Brereton L, et al. Looking beyond the forest: Using harvest plots, gap analysis, and expert consultations to assess effectiveness, engage stakeholders, and inform policy. Research Synthesis Methods. 2018.
- Rehfuess EA, Booth A, Brereton L, Burns J, et al. Towards a taxonomy of logic models in systematic reviews and health technology assessments: A priori, staged, and iterative approaches. Research Synthesis Methods. 2017.
- Polus S, Pieper D, Burns J, Fretheim A, Ramsay C, Higgins JPT, Mathes T, Pfadenhauer LM, Rehfuess EA. Heterogeneity in application, design and analysis characteristics was found for controlled before-after (CBA) and interrupted time series (ITS) studies included in Cochrane reviews. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology. 2017.
- Pfadenhauer LM, Gerhardus A, Mozygemba K, Lysdahl KB, Booth A, Bjorn Hofmann, Wahlster P, Rohwer A, Polus S, Burns J, Brereton L, Rehfuess EA. Making sense of complexity in context and implementation: The Context and Implementation of Complex Interventions (CICI) Framework. Implementation Science. 2017.
- von Philipsborn P, Stratil JM, Burns J, Busert LK, Pfadenhauer LM, Polus S, Holzapfel C, Hauner H, Rehfuess EA. Environmental interventions to reduce the consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages and their effects on health (Protocol). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2016
- Rohwer A, Pfadenhauer L, Burns J, et al. Use of logic models in systematic reviews and health technology assessments of complex interventions. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology. 2016.
- Pfadenhauer LM, Burns J, Rohwer A, Rehfuess EA. Effectiveness of Interventions to Reduce Exposure to Lead through Consumer Products and Drinking Water: a Systematic Review. Environmental Research. 2016; 147:525-536.
- Burns J, Chilcott JB, van Hoorn R, et al. Guidance for assessing effectiveness, economic, ethical, socio-cultural and legal aspects in complex technologies: Guidance to assess effectiveness aspects. Final report of EU-Funded FP7-programme INTEGRATE-HTA. 2016. Available from:
- Burns J, Mason C, Mueller N, Ohlander J, et al. Asthma prevalence in Olympic summer athletes and the general population: An analysis of three European countries. Respiratory Medicine. 2015.
- Pfadenhauer LM, Mozygemba K, Gerhardus A, Hofmann B, Booth A, Lysdahl KB, Tummers M, Burns J, Rehfuess EA. Context and implementation: A concept analysis towards conceptual maturity. Zeitschrift für Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualität im Gesundheitswesen. 2015.
- Burns J, Polus S, Brereton L, Chilcott J, Ward S, Pfadenhauer LM, Rehfuess EA. Home-based Palliative Care: Assessing effectiveness through harvest plots and post-review consultations. Effectiveness Review Protocol. 2014. PDF download.
- Burns J, Boogaard H, Turley R, Pfadenhauer LM, van Erp AM, Rohwer AC, Rehfuess EA. Interventions to reduce ambient particulate matter air pollution and their effect on health. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2014. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd (full review in progress)
- Fenske N, Burns J, Hothorn T, Rehfuess EA. Understanding child stunting in India: boosting quantile regression as a novel approach towards a comprehensive analysis of socio-economic, nutritional and environmental determinants. Plos One. 2013; 8(11): e78692
- Kumar A, Burns J, Hoffmann W, et al. Determination of hydrazines by chip electrophoresis with contactless conductivity detection. Electrophoresis. 2011 Apr; 32(8):920-5.