Prof. Dr. Rolf Holle
- Prof. Holle
- Forschungsschwerpunkte
- Gremientätigkeit
- Kurzlebenslauf
- Publikationen
Publikationen seit 2019 im Bereich Lungenerkrankungen
• Byng, D., Lutter, J., Wacker, M., Jörres, R., Liu, X., Karrasch, S., Schulz, H., Vogelmeier, C.F., Holle, R., for the COSYCONET Study Group: Determinants of healthcare utilization and costs in COPD patients: First longitudinal results from the German COPD cohort COSYCONET. Int J COPD 14:1423-39 (2019)
• Lutter JI, Jörres, R.A., Trudzinski, F.C.,Alter, P., Kellerer, C., Watz, H., Welte, T., Bals, R., Kauffmann-Guerrero, D., Behr, J., Holle, R., Vogelmeier, C.F., Kahnert, K. and on behalf of the COSYCONET study group: Treatment of COPD groups GOLD A and B with inhaled corticosteroids in the COSYCONET Cohort - Determinants and Consequences. Int J COPD 16:987-998 (2021)
• Lutter, J.I., Jörres, R.A., Kahnert, K., Schwarzkopf, L., Studnicka, M., Karrasch, S., Schulz, H., Vogelmeier, C.F., Holle, R.: Health-related quality of life associates with change in FEV1 in COPD: Results from the COSYCONET cohort. BMC Pulm Med 20:148 (2020)
• Lutter, J.I., Lukas, M., Schwarzkopf, L., Jörres, R.A., Studnicka, M., Kahnert, K., Karrasch, S., Bewig,B., Vogelmeier,C.F., Holle, R.: Utilization and determinants of use of non-pharmacological interventions in COPD: Results of the COSYCONET cohort. Resp Med 171:106087. doi: 10.1016 (2020)
• Lutter, J.I., Jörres, R.A., Welte, T., Watz, H., Waschki, B., Alter, P., Trudzinski, F., Ohlander, J., Behr, J., Bals, R., Studnicka, M., Holle, R., Vogelmeier, C.F., Kahnert, K.: Impact of education on COPD severity and all-cause mortality in life-time never and long-time ex-smokers: Results of the COSYCONET cohort. Int J COPD 15:2787-2798 (2020)
• Maqhuzu, P.N., Szentes, B.L., Kreuter, M., Bahmer, T., Kahn, N., Claussen, M., Holle, R., Schwarzkopf, L.: Determinants of health-related quality of life decline in interstitial lung disease. Health Qual Life Outcomes 18(1):334. doi: 10.1186/s12955-020-01570-2.
• Maqhuzu, P.N., Kreuter, M., Bahmer, T., Kahn, N., Claussen, M., Holle, R., Schwarzkopf, L.: Cost drivers in the pharmacological treatment of interstitial lung disease. Respir. Res. 22:218 (2021)
• Mayerhofer, B., Jörres, R., Lutter, J., Waschki, B., Kauffmann-Guerrero, D., Alter, P., Trudzinski, F.C., Herth, F.J.F., Holle, R., Behr, J., Bals, R., Welte, T., Watz, H., Vogelmeier, C., Kahnert, K.: Deterioration and mortality risk of COPD patients not fitting into standard GOLD categories: Results of the COSYCONET cohort Respiration 100:308-317 (2021)
• Schunk, M., Berger, U., Le, L., Rehfuess, E., Schwarzkopf, L., Streitwieser, S., Müller, T., Hofmann, M., Holle, R., Huber, R.M., Mansmann, U., Bausewein, C.: BreathEase: Rationale, design and recruitment of a randomised trial and embedded mixed-methods study of a multiprofessional breathlessness service in early palliative care. ERJ Open Res. 7:00228-2020 (2021)
• Walter, J., Tufman, A., Holle, R., Schwarzkopf, L.: Differences in therapy and survival between lung cancer patients treated in hospitals with high and low patient case volume. Health Policy 124:1217-1225 (2020)
• Walter, J., Tufman, A., Holle, R., Schwarzkopf, L.: Age matters: German claims data indicate disparities in lung cancer treatment between elderly and young patients PLOS ONE 14(6):e0217434 (2019)
• Witt, S., Krauss, E., Barbero, M.A.N., Müller, V., Bonniaud, P., Vancheri, C., Wells, A., Vasakova, M., Pesci, A., Klepetko, W., Seeger, W., Crestani, B., Leidl, R., Holle, R., Schwarzkopf, L., Guenther, A.: Psychometric properties and minimal important differences of SF-36 in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Respiratory Research 20:47 (2019)
Publikationen seit 2019 im Bereich Adipositas und Diabetes
• Castillo-Reinado, K., Maier, W., Holle, R., Stahl-Pehe, A., Baechle, C., Kuss, O., Hermann, J., Holl, R.W., Rosenbauer, J.: Association of area deprivation and urban/rural traits on the incidence of type 1 diabetes: analysis at municipality level in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. Diabetic Medicine 37:2089-2097 (2020)
• Felix, J., Stark R., Teuner C., Leidl, R., Lennerz, B., Brandt, S., von Schnurbein, J., Moss, A., Bollow, E., Sergeyev, E., Mühlig, Y., Wiegand, S., Holl, R.W., Reinehr, T., Kiess, W., Scherag, A., Hebebrand, J., Wabitsch, M., Holle, R.: Health-related quality of life associated with extreme obesity in adolescents – Results from the YES-Study. Health Qual Life Outcomes 18(1):58 (2020)
• Huth, C., Heier, M., Thorand, B., Ladwig, K.H., Holle, R., Meisinger, C., Peters, A.: Incidence Rates of Type 2 Diabetes in People with in Impaired Fasting Glucose (ADA vs. WHO criteria) and Impaired Glucose Tolerance: Results from an Older Population (KORA S4/F4/FF4 Study). Diabetes Care 42:e18-e20 (2019)
• Icks, A., Haastert, B., Arend, W., Konein, J., Thorand, B., Holle, R., Laxy, M., Schunk, M., Neumann, A., Wasem, J., Chernyak, N., Dintsios, M.Ch.: Patient time costs due to self-management in diabetes may be as high as direct medical costs: Results from the population-based KORA FF4 study in Germany. Diab Med Dec 37:895-897 (2020)
• Icks, A., Haastert, B., Arend, W., Konein, J., Thorand, B., Holle, R., Laxy, M., Schunk, M., Neumann, A., Wasem, J., Chernyak, N.: Time spent on self-management by people with diabetes: Results from the population-based KORA survey in Germany. Diab Med 36:970-81 (2019)
• Islam, S.M.S. , Peiffer, R., Chow, C.K., Maddison, R., Lechner, A., Holle, R., Niessen, L., Laxy, M.: Cost-effectiveness of a mobile-phone text messaging intervention on type 2 diabetes - a randomized-controlled trial. Health Policy and Technology 9:79-85 (2020)
• Kähm, K., Laxy, M., Schneider, U., Holle, R.: Exploring different strategies of assessing the economic impact of multiple diabetes-associated complications and their interactions: A large claims-based study in Germany. Pharmacoeconomics 37:63-74 (2019)
• Karl, F., Holle, R., Schwettmann, L., Peters, A., Meisinger, C., Rückert-Eheberg, I.M., Laxy, M.: Association between unrealistic comparative optimism and self-management in individuals with type 2 diabetes: Results from a cross-sectional, population-based study. Health Sci Rep 3(2):e157 (2020)
• Kurz, C., Rehm, M., Holle, R., Teuner, C.M., Laxy, M., Schwarzkopf, L.: The effect of bariatric surgery on health care costs: A synthetic control approach using Bayesian structural time series. Health Economics 28:1293-1307 (2019)
• Laxy, M., Becker, J., Kähm, K., Holle, R., Peters, A., Thorand, B., Schwettmann, L., Karl. F.M.: Utility decrements associated with diabetes and related complications: Estimates from a population-based study in Germany. Value in Health 24:274-280 (2021)
• Laxy, M., Schöning, V.M., Kurz, C., Holle, R., Peters, A., Meisinger, C., Rathmann, W., Mühlenbruch, K., Kähm, K.: Performance of the UKPDS outcomes model 2 for predicting death and cardiovascular events in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus from a German population-based cohort. Pharmacoeconomics 37:1485-1494 (2019)
• Lennerz, B.S., Moss, A., von Schnurbein, J., Bickenbach, A., Bollow, E., Brandt, S., Luetke Bintrup, D., Mühlig, Y., Neef, M., Ose, C., Remy, M., Stark, R., Teuner, C., Wolters, B., Kiess, W., Scherag, A., Reinehr, T., Holl, R., Holle, R., Wiegand, S., Hebebrand, J., Wabitsch, M.: Do adolescents with extreme obesity differ according to previous treatment seeking behavior? The Youth with Extreme Obesity Study (YES) Cohort. Int J Obesity 43:103-115 (2019)
• Mühlig, Y., Remy, M., Holle, R., Scherag, A., Wabitsch, M., Hebebrand, J.: Arbeitslose Jugendliche mit extremer Adipositas – Behandlung und Perspektiven für eine Hochrisikogruppe. Psychotherapie - Psychosomatik - Medizinische Psychologie, 69:490-498 (2019)
• Reinehr, T., Tittel, S., Holle, R., Wiegand, S., Gellhaus, I., Hebebrand, J., Greber-Platzer, S., Denzer, C., Linke, S., Kiess, W., Holl, R.W.: Comparison of cardiovascular risk factors between children and adolescents with class III and class IV obesity: findings from the APV cohort. Int J Obesity 45:1061-1073 (2021)
Sonstige Publikationen seit 2019
• Abu-Omar, K., Ziemainz, H., Loss, J., Laxy, M., Holle, R., Thiel, A., Herbert-Maul, A., Linder, S., Sauter, A., Till, M.: The long-term public health impact of a community-based participatory research project for health promotion among socially disadvantaged women—a case study protocol. Frontiers in Public Health 9:317 (2021)
• Huebner, M., Börnigen, D., Deckert, A., Holle, R., Meisinger, C., Müller-Nurasyid, M., Peters, A., Rathmann, W., Becher, H.: Genetic variation and cardiovascular risk factors: A cohort study on migrants from the former Soviet Union and a native German population. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 18:6215 (2021)
• Karl, F.M., Holle, R., Schwettmann. L., Peters, A., Laxy, M.: Status quo bias and health behavior: findings from a cross-sectional study Eur J Publ Health 29:992-997 (2019)
• Kiesswetter, E., Colombo, M.G., Meisinger, C., Peters, A., Thorand, B., Holle, R., Ladwig, K.H., Schulz, H., Grill, E., Diekmann, R., Schrader, E., Stehle, P., Sieber, C.C., Volkert, D: Malnutrition and related risk factors in older adults from different health care settings: an enable-study. Publ Health Nutrition 23:446-456 (2020)
• Kowall,B., Rathmann, W., Bongaerts, B., Kuss, O., Stang, A., Roden, M., Herder, C., Koenig, W., Lutter, J., Szentes, B., Wacker, M., Winter, J., Wichert, S., Peters, A., Holle, R., Leidl, R.: Are health risk attitude and general risk attitude associated with health care utilization, costs and working ability? Results from the German KORA FF4 study. Health Econ Review 9:26 (2019)
• Phillips, A., Heier, M., Strobl, R., Linkohr, B., Holle, R., Peters, A., Grill, E.: Exposure to anticholinergic and sedative medications using the Drug Burden Index and its association with vertigo, dizziness and balance problems in older people – Results from the KORA-FF4 Study. Exp Gerontology 124:110644 (2019)
• Rospleszcz, S., Thorand, B., de las Heras Gala, T., Meisinger, C., Holle, R., Koenig, W., Mansmann, U., Peters, A.: Temporal trends in cardiovascular risk factors and performance of the Framingham Risk Score and the Pooled Cohort Equations. J Epid Comm Health 73:19-25 (2019)
• Seidl, H., Hein, L., Scholz, S., Bowles, D., Greiner, W., Brettschneider, C., König, H.H., Holle, R.: FIMA – Validierung des Fragebogens zur Inanspruchnahme medizinischer und nicht-medizinischer Versorgungsleistungen im Alter. Das Gesundheitswesen 83:66-74 (2021)
• Ulrich, L.R., Petersen, J.J., Mergenthal, K., Berghold, A., Pregartner, G., Holle, R., Siebenhofer, A.: Cost-effectiveness analysis of case management for optimized antithrombotic treatment in German general practices compared to usual care – results from the PICANT trial. Health Economics Review 9:4 (2019)
• Wang, X., Strobl, R., Holle, R., Seidl, H., Peters, A., Grill, E.: Vertigo and dizziness cause considerably more health care resource use and costs – results from the KORA FF4 study. Journal of Neurology 266:2120-28 (2019)