



Supplementary files - Boulesteix, Guillemot and Sauerbrei (2011)

Use of pre-transformation to cope with extreme values in important candidate features

A.-L. Boulesteix, V. Guillemot and W. Sauerbrei, 2011 (to appear in Biometrical Journal)

A previous version of this paper is publicly available as a technical report: TR083, Department of Statistics, LMU


Contact: Anne-Laure Boulesteix

Supplementary files dowload:

The ZIP-file (230MB) containing the data sets and the R-codes (new version) to reproduce the results of the paper. You just have to unzip the ZIP-file und run the file 'analysis.R'.

The ZIP-file (230MB) containing the data sets and the R-codes (old version) to reproduce the results of the paper. You just have to unzip the ZIP-file und run the file 'analysis.R'.