


Diana Ishengoma Aloyce

Diana Ishengoma Aloyce


Early Stage Researcher at the Lehrstuhl für Public Health und Versorgungsforschung


National Istitute for Medical Research,Mwanza Campus
P.O BOX 1462


Project Title:

The prevalence of technology-facilitated intimate partner violence and its association with mental health and social factors among young adults

Research interests:

The project will examine the various forms of technology facilitated intimate partner violence (TFIPV) experienced among female college students in Mwanza, Tanzania utilizing data from a cross-sectional survey and establish their association with mental health and social factors. Subsequently, a qualitative study will be conducted to explore, in-depth the college students’ personal experiences with TFIPV and their coping mechanisms. Additionally, a systematic review of quantitative studies on TFIPV among young adults, with a focus on mental health, will be conducted to identify the common forms of TFIPV experienced by both male and female young adults, establish the association with mental health conditions, and develop a framework based on existing literature in low- and middle-income countries.


Prof. Dr. Heidi Stöckl



Curriculum Vitae


Ms. Diana completed a bachelor's degree in Project Planning Management and Community Development at the University of Dodoma, Tanzania in 2016 and her Master’s degree in Public Health at the Catholic University of Health and Allied Sciences, Tanzania in 2022. Her research interest focus on investigating the predictors and underlying drivers of in-person and technology facilitated intimate partner violence and their subsequent effects on mental health and social well-being among women and young adults. She utilizes both quantitative and qualitative methods, with over five years’ experience working in longitudinal and cross-sectional quantitative and qualitative studies investigating intimate partner violence across diverse populations. Recently, she coordinated a cross-sectional mixed method study examining the prevalence of technology facilitated violence and its intersection with in-person violence among college students in Mwanza Tanzania


First authored publications

Aloyce, D., Stöckl, H., Mosha, N., Malibwa, D., Sichalwe, S., Hashim, R., Ayieko, P., Kapiga, S., & Mshana, G. (2024). Exposure to pornographic material and perpetration of intimate partner violence among young men in Mwanza Tanzania. Journal of Public Health. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10389-024-02262-7

Aloyce, D., Stöckl, H., Mosha, N., Malibwa, D., Sichalwe, S., Hashim, R., Ayieko, P., Kapiga, S., & Mshana, G. (2024). The Association Between Depression, Suicidal Thoughts and Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration Among Young Men in Mwanza, Tanzania. Journal of Family Violence. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10896-024-00706-y

Aloyce, D., Mshana, G., Peter, E., Malibwa, D., Buller, A. M., Mchome, Z., Kapiga, S., & Stöckl, H. (2023). Pathways of romantic jealousy to intimate partner violence in Mwanza, northern Tanzania. Family Relations, 1– 15. https://doi.org/10.1111/fare.12880

Aloyce, D., Stöckl, H., Malibwa, D., Peter, E., Mchome, Z., Dwarumpudi, A., Buller, A. M., Kapiga, S., & Mshana, G. (2022). Men's Reflections on Romantic Jealousy and Intimate Partner Violence in Mwanza, Tanzania. Violence against women, 10778012221108421. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1177/10778012221108421

Co-authored publications

Mchome, Z., Mshana, G., Malibwa, D., Aloyce, D., Dwarumpudi, A., Peter, E., Kapiga, S., & Stöckl, H. (2023). Men’s Narratives of Sexual Intimate Partner Violence in Urban Mwanza, Northwestern Tanzania. Sexual Abuse. https://doi.org/10.1177_10790632231213831

Mshana, G., Malibwa, D., Aloyce, D., Peter, E., Mchome, Z., Kapiga, S., & Stöckl, H. (2022). Same habitus in new field? How mobile phone communication reproduces masculinities and gender inequality in intimate relationships in Mwanza, Tanzania. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships. https://doi.org/10.1177/02654075221097936

Mshana, G., Peter, E., Malibwa, D., Aloyce, D., Kapiga, S., & Stöckl, H. (2022). Masculinity, power and structural constraints: Men's conceptualization of emotional abuse in Mwanza, Tanzania. Social science & medicine (1982), 292, 114606. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2021.114606

Mshana, G., Mchome, Z., Aloyce, D., Peter, E., Kapiga, S., & Stöckl, H. (2021). Contested or complementary healing paradigms? Women's narratives of COVID-19 remedies in Mwanza, Tanzania. Journal of ethnobiology and ethnomedicine, 17(1), 30. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13002-021-00457-w

Serpa Pimentel, A. de, Mshana, G., Aloyce, D., Peter, E., Mchome, Z., Malibwa, D., Dwarumpudi, A., Kapiga, S., & Stöckl, H. (2021). Women’s understanding of economic abuse in North-Western Tanzania. Women’s Health. https://doi.org/10.1177/17455065211042180

Dwarumpudi, A., Mshana, G., Aloyce, D., Peter, E., Mchome, Z., Malibwa, D., Kapiga, S., & Stöckl, H. (2022). Coping responses to intimate partner violence: narratives of women in North-west Tanzania. Culture, health & sexuality, 1–15. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1080/13691058.2022.2042738

Mchome, Z., Mshana, G., Peter, E., Aloyce, D., Kapiga, S., & Stöckl, H. (2021). Women's Narratives about COVID-19, Preventive Practices and Sources of Information in Northwestern Tanzania. International journal of environmental research and public health, 18(10), 5261. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18105261

Mchome, Z., Mshana, G., Aloyce, D., Peter, E., Malibwa, D., Dwarumpudi, A., Kapiga, S., et al. (2020). “Don’t You Think It Is Violence Forcing Me to Have Sex While Not Happy?” Women’s Conceptualization of Enjoyable Sex and Sexual Intimate Partner Violence in Mwanza, Tanzania. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(21), 793