Regional Variation in health care for patients with dementia in Germany: Reasons and implications
Funded by: Innovationsfonds, G-BA (Grant No.: 01VSF22036)
Sponsored period: 2023 - 2026
Cooperation partners: BARMER, DAK-Gesundheit, German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases e.V. in the Helmholtz Association, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, and Techniker Krankenkasse
With higher life expectancy that the proportion of people with age-related diseases such as dementia is also increasing. Those affected depend on complex, interprofessional and cross-sectoral care. However, so far not all those affected have been treated according to current guidelines. In addition, there are major regional differences in the care of those affected, for example in the range and quality of care services.
The RegioDem project therefore specifically analyses regional differences in the quality of care and the costs of care provided for people with dementia. For this purpose, health care is analyzed in small areas.
To achieve this goal, the project follows three steps that build on one another. First, the project partners analyze routine data from statutory health insurers nationwide to identify regional-specific care variations for people with dementia. They then analyze these aspects in depth in selected regions. The knowledge gained is then brought together and recommendations for action are derived for needs-based and regionally appropriate supply planning.
The project lead is at the Brandenburg Medical School Theodor Fontane.
Contact: Dr. Daniela Koller