Early Stage Researcher at the IBE - Chair for Public Health and Health Services Research
Chair for Public Health and Health Services Research
Research Unit for Biopsychosocial Health
Ludwig-Maximilians University (LMU) Munich
Marchioninistraße 17
81377 Munich, Germany
U 006
+49 (0)89 2180-78229
Research Interest
My research informs the design of online services for vulnerable groups, especially those experiencing deep sadness and worry. I currently conduct research for the BETTER project which aims to provide research-based recommendations to improve Web accessibility guidelines for people with depression and anxiety. BETTER expects to make a significant contribution towards ensuring full and effective participation and inclusion in society, and equality of opportunity for people with these disorders by improving their access to the Web.
Prof. Ulrich Mansmann
Dr. Carla Sabariego
Prof. Alarcos Cieza
Curriculum Vitae
2014 - presentPh.D. candidate in Medical Research: Epidemiology & Public Health, LMU Munich, Germany,
Web accessibility for people with mental health conditions.
2012 -2013 MSc Web Science, University of Southampton (UK),
Web-based user experiences associated with health and travel services.
2008 - 2013 MSc Cyberpsychology, Nottingham Trent University (UK),
Effective user experiences for the development of human relationships online.
2004 - 2008 BSc Psychology, The University of the West Indies (Barbados),
The psychology of online behaviour focus.
2014 - presentEU Marie Curie Research Fellow, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (Germany).
2014 - 2017 Visiting Research Fellow, The University of Southampton (UK).
2010 - 2014 Principal Partner and Digital Analyst, Bernard Browne Consultants (Barbados).
2010 - 2012 Adjunct Lecturer in Media and Technology in Education, The University of the West Indies
2009 - 2010 Tutor in Psychology, The University of the West Indies (Barbados).
2009 - 2010 Guest Lecturer in Occupational Psychology, The University of the West Indies (Barbados).
2009 - 2009 Researcher on Work Placement, (UK).
Peer Reviewed Publications
Kamenov, K., Ayuso-Mateos, JL., Nieto, M., Bernard, R., Hegerl, U., & Cabello, M. (2016). Research recommendations for improving measurement of treatment effectiveness in depression. Submitted to Frontiers in Psychology.
Bernard, R., Sabariego, C., & Cieza, A. (2016). Barriers and facilitation measures related to people with mental disorders when using the web: A systematic review. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 18(6).
Bernard, R., Sabariego, C., Baldwin, D. S., Abou-Zahra, S., & Cieza, A. (2015). Web accessibility for persons with mental disorders: A protocol. Human-Computer Interaction: Users and Contexts.M. Kurosu, Springer Int’l Publishing. 9171: 25-34.
Other Publications
Bernard, R., Drew, N., Chadha, S., Funk, M., Mariotti, S., & Cieza, A. (2016). Access to the internet for persons with disabilities and specific needs: A World Health Organization response. UN ITU CWG Open Consultation 2015-2016.