Early Stage Researcher at the Helmholtz Zentrum München (GmbH) - Institute of Health Economics and Health Care Management (IGM)
Ingolstädter Landstraße 1
D-85764 Neuherberg
112 (Building 56)
Research Interest
My research interest is in behavioural economics (BE) and its application on health behaviour. BE provides one new and promising way to explain irrational human decision making, where the neoclassical model of consumer behaviour fails. Thus, BE reveals a chance to better understand the mechanisms underlying the self-management of patients with diabetes and eventually helps to improve lifestyle interventions and health policy in the field of diabetes prevention and care but insights might also be valuable in other areas of our health system. Therefore, I analyse existing and future information within the KORA ("Kooperative Gesundheitsforschung in der Region Augsburg") study and develop new tools for the assessment of BE in health decision making.
Prof. Rolf Holle
Curriculum Vitae
2016 - presentPh.D. candidate in Medical Research: Epidemiology & Public Health, LMU Munich, Germany
2014 - 2016 Master of Public Health, LMU Munich, Germany
2011 - 2014 Bachelor of Science in Scientific Basics of Sports, Technical University Munich, Munich, Germany
2015 Graduate Research Assistant at BC Injury Research and Prevention Unit, University of British
Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
Karl, F. M., Holle, R., Bals, R., Greulich, T., Jörres, R., Karch, A., Karrasch, S., Leidl, R, Schulz, H., Vogelmeier, C., Wacker, M. E. for the COSYCONET Study Group. (2017) Costs and health-related quality of life in Alpha-1-Antitrypsin Deficient COPD Patients. Respiratory Research, 18(1), 60.
Karl, F. M., Smith, J., Piedt, S., Turcotte, K., Pike, I. (2017) Applying the Health Action Process Approach to bicycle helmet use and evaluating a social marketing campaign. Injury Prevention, accepted.