



Catherine Mason

Catherine Mason


Early Stage Researcher at the IBE - Chair for Public Health and Health Services Research


Institute for Medical Information Processing, Biometry and Epidemiology - IBE
Chair for Public Health and Health Services Research
Research Unit for Biopsychosocial Health
Ludwig-Maximilians University (LMU) Munich
Marchioninistraße 17
81377 Munich, Germany

Raum: U 006
Telefon: +49 (0)89 2180-78229

Research Interest

'The development, testing, and first implementation of a set of outcome indicators for monitoring Community-based Rehabilitation (CBR)'

CBR is an umbrella-term for strategies within general community development for rehabilitation, equalization of opportunities, and social inclusion of all people with disabilities that aim to address their wider needs within their communities. The World Health Organization (WHO) acknowledges the importance of CBR in tackling stigma, discrimination, and barriers to equal participation and also recognizes the need for a sound and systematic monitoring strategy in order to promote and advocate for the broader implementation of CBR.
This PhD project, in partnership with WHO, aims to develop and test a multi-sectoral set of standardised CBR indicators suitable to monitor the changes that different CBR strategies initiate in the lives of PwD, with the goal of international comparability.


Prof. Dr. Ulrich Mansmann
Dr. Carla Sabariego
Dr. Jörg Weber

Curriculum Vitae


2015 - presentPh.D. candidate in Medical Research: Epidemiology & Public Health, LMU Munich, Germany
2012Intern at Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences (IRAS). Utrecht, Netherlands
2012Intern at Centre for Research in Environmental Epidemiology (CREAL). Barcelona, Spain
2011 - 2013 Master of Science in Epidemiology. LMU, Munich
2007 - 2011 Honours Bachelor of Science in Biology. McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada


2017 - 2018Coordinator for the PhD Program Medical Research – Epidemiology & Public Health
  LMU Munich, Germany


Peer Reviewed Publications

von Bomhard N, Ahlborn B, Mason C, Mansmann U. The Trusted Server: Concept and reference implementation of a fully autonomous and trustworthy computational server providing an advanced level of Privacy by Design through machine-based trust. arXiv preprint arXiv:1802.09220. 2018 Feb 26.

Mason C, Weber J, Atasoy S, Sabariego C, Cieza A. (2017) Development of indicators for monitoring Community-Based Rehabilitation. PLoS ONE 12(6): e0178418. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0178418.

Burns J, Mason C, Mueller N, Ohlander J, Zock JP, Drobnic F, Wolfarth B, Heinrich J, Omenaas E, Stensrud T, Nowak D, Radon K, on behalf of the GA2LEN-Olympic Study-Team the European Community Respiratory Health Survey. (2015) Asthma prevalence in Olympic summer athletes and the general population: An analysis of three European countries. Respir Med. 109(7) 813-820. doi:10.1016/j.rmed.2015.05.002

Santini ZI, Koyanagi A, Tyrovolas S, Mason C, Haro JM. (2014) The association between social relationships and depression: A systematic review. J Affect Disord. 175(2015) 53-65. doi:10.1016/j.jad.2014.12.049

Schaap K, Christopher de Vries Y, Mason C, de Vocht F, Portengen L, Kromout H. (2014) Occupational exposure of healthcare and research stuff to static magnetic stray fields from 1.5-7 Tesla MRI scanners is associated with reporting of transient symptoms. Occup Environ Med 2014;71:423-429.

Other Publications

World Health Organization, International Disability and Development Consortium. (2015). Capturing the difference we make: Community-based Rehabilitation Indicators Manual. Geneva: World Health Organization.