Module Health Geography
Module Health Geography: GIS and Geospatial Methods
Coordinators: PD Dr. P.H. Daniela Koller, Dr. Werner Maier, PD Dr. Ursula Berger
Limited number of participants 15
If you are interested, you can download a booking form from the student cloud which you fill in and submit to the MSc team.
You'll find detailed information about the course below.
Any further questions shall be addressed to the MSc team:
Course description
This seminar will introduce the students to the interdisciplinary topics of health geography. The course will focus on regional factors influencing health and on methods for the
measurement and analysis of spatial patterns of disease and risk factors (“spatial epidemiology”). The students will learn to apply basic functions using a free open source
geographic information system (GIS) and to produce basic maps. In a field exercise, health factors will be geocoded and transferred into the GIS. Spatial statistical methods and
applications will be presented, using an open source tool. This seminar will combine frontal lectures with breaks for discussions and exercises for the
theoretical part. In the practical part, GIS and spatial statistics will be taught in step-by-step computer lectures and data will be collected in field work. At the end of the module, the
students should be able to explain the links between health and geography and to apply basic spatial analysis using GIS and spatial statistics.
Performance Record
Written assignment based on a practical exercise.